The 2017 Southeast Asian Games, also commonly known as Kuala Lumpur 2017, is a Southeast Asian multi-sport event that will take place in Kuala Lumpur from August 19 to August 30, 2017.
- Event : 29th Kuala Lumpur Southeast Asian (SEA) Games 2017
- Dates : Aug 19 - 30, 2017
- Events : 405
- Sports : 39
- Countries : 11 (Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
- Participating athletes : 4888
- Website : click here
I am very excited about 2017 SEA Games!
I visited Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur, the official TEAMMAS Performance Center and hotel residence for the 1,039-strong Malaysian contingent for the 29th Kuala Lumpur SEA Games 2017 this week. The Malaysian contingent staying at Renaissance Hotel comprises of 876 athletes from various sports disciplines and team officials. The purpose of my visits was to experience how the athletes' lives are for the next few days leading up to August 19.
I wanted to be an athlete when small, but I never grew up to be one. The most notable achievement was the time when I represented primary school and province in the state badminton competition. Our team didn't win. But the pure participation in the state-level competition was a great honor and unforgettable!
No doubt I'm not an athlete. But I am full of admiration for athletes, especially high performing athletes, in all sports disciplines.
I admire their great qualities
- goals
- motivation
- drive
- mental toughness
- laser focus
- willingness to learn and grow
- great passion
I would like to emulate all their strong qualities and apply in my marathon running and triathlon as much as I can.
TEAMMAS Performance Center
The National Sports Council (NSC) has set up TEAMMAS Performance Center at Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur to ensure Malaysian athletes are at their best shapes for the 2017 SEA Games. Among the facilities available at the center are grooming, food and drink, sports science service, medical service and sports psychology service.
Walking slowly checking out the main entrance to TEAMMAS Performance Center, I felt so "semangat"and inspired seeing the motivating tag lines (TEAM MAS - Strength and Honour; #KITAJUARA, #WinningMentality), inspirational videos, and awesome photos of winning athletes.
How I wish I could be a national athlete and be a part of them! I know it's a dream. But it shows me admiration for them.
Here are some photos taken at TEAMMAS Performance Center entrance:
National athletes in action
Wow! our national athletes train hard!I managed to take a peep at part of their training regime at the fitness center, aerobic room and tennis court at Renaissance Hotel.
They completely amazed me!!
They were young, energetic, athletic, strong, focused, determined, committed and passionate!!
They all wore sport shirts with "MALAYSIA" on the back!
Being among them made me feel small and old. :) But at the same time, the competitive, high-energy spirit that permeated through the air from them really moved me. Honestly speaking, I have not been in such situation before in my whole life - just being with the high performing Malaysian athletes. Even though I don't know them and they don't know me. I just felt such a great encouragement and motivation just seeing them in actions!
Without them knowing, I captured some of them in actions to share here. It shows that behind every success, there is no short cut but sheer determination and hard work with sweat and blood!! Salute to all our Malaysian athletes and all athletes from all other countries!!
I think all athletes have the same attitude and qualities - regardless of countries and races. That's what I love about sport - bringing unity to all.
Jogging around tennis court |
Strength training in gym |
our female Malaysian athletes in yellow are so tall, taller than me! :) |
I don't know who this blue shirt national athlete is, but he ran at a speed around 4.30 min / km on treadmill with such an ease. The person next to him with ears set is his coach I believe! |
Wow! Boxing practice in action! Cool! |
Team MAS - all the best!!
I'm so proud to see them representing Malaysia. They are our hope. They are our future.
With the 29th SEA Games 2017 being held in Kuala Lumpur, I pray that we can realize the nation's aspiration by emerging overall champions!
To Team MAS - all the best!! Malaysia boleh!!
Written by Vincent Khor on August 10, 2017.