My dad loves to eat rice! My mom and I like to call him “饭桶” (rice bucket). :) We used to buy jasmine white rice from hyper market for dad.
However, since my dad in his 90s has been advised to reduce processed food intake and sugar intake due to his health condition, we have decided to switch from white rice to brown rice.
It has taken a while since my dad doesn't like the typical brown rice found at hyper market. My dad has found the brown rice bought in hyper market to be too plain for his liking. We also tried to mix the brown rice bought in supermarket with white rice for him. Still he didn't like it.
Until one day last year my beloved cousin introduced local brown rice (Nasi Perang Tempat 天然胚芽米) to our family. And after my mom bought a small packet for dad to try and he likes it, we have been eating this local brown rice ever since.
In Sri Petaling, there is only one place I can find this local brown rice. The little shop occupying half unit of the shop unit is called Beras 118, the rice and health food station 米粮专卖店 .
Healthy Rice
As you can see, it's a small shop but it sells many types of rice in gunny sacks. On the gunny sack, it has a little brief explanation of each type of rice. I have never even seen some of the rice before in my whole life.
Types of products sold at the small Beras 118:
1. mixed unpolished grain
2. 8 in 1 nutritious brown rice
3. Black pearl brown rice
4. Indian rice
5. All types of organic rice
6. Thai rice
7. All types of nutritious unpolished grain
8. Organic products
Beras 118 shop. small but complete. |
For each type of rice, there is |
It looks like this shop also supplies rice to few other places - perhaps some vetegarian or organic restaurants. The packed rice is already sold and ready for delivery. |
This is the local brown rice (beras perang tempatan 天然胚芽米) that I buy |
She is a very young beautiful lady below 30. Her name is Precious Khoo. I believe it's her own business. Really envy her for running her own shop with such a good concept - providing healthy rice and health food.
It's a one person run business. But you can see from the photos below, Precious is very hard working and doing things to perfection. :)
She is taking the local brown rice for me. I usually buy 8 kilos - separated into 2 bags. |
Put on weighing machine. |
Weighing to perfection. haha! |
Health Food
The shop also sells health food besides rice. They are either organic or vegetarian.
Health food. |
Health food |
Health food. |
Since it has been my goal to support local and small business owners as much as possible, especially those promoting simple healthy living, I have decided to share and recommend this shop to those staying near to Sri Petaling.
Carbo loading? You can choose to do it the healthy way. :)
Beras 118: The Rice & Health Food Station
(Dimiliki oleh B Life Enterprise 宝康米粮专卖店 )
No. 41-1 Ground Floor, Jalan Radin Anum 2,
Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.
Business hours: 8 am - 6 pm
Tel : +6011 2823 0018 (Precious Choo)
Written on: 2016.09.12